Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I have an air conditioner

I actually have a lot of things that I didn't used to have. I have a car. I have a mac. A cell phone. A printer. I have pork, chicken AND fish in my freezer. I even have cable.

When I first moved to NYC back in 2001, I didn't have a lot of things, but the thing I didn't have more than ANYTHING was a/c (if you get that joke, then you and I can hang out). I literally didn't sleep for three summers. I went to visit a friend in LA during that time and had one of the best nights sleep I've ever had in my entire life. My roommate and I went to go see "Eight Legged Freaks" in the theater just to escape the heat. The summer when I got a/c I spent an entire day reading the fifth Harry Potter book in unbelievable coolness. I never imagined that I would be so happy.

Sometimes I worry that I won't achieve my ultimate life goal of not having to be a waiter (kidding. Doing comedy is my dream of course). Sometimes I worry that I'm not making the sort of life progress that I want.

Then I think about that first summer in the city. Working at Pizzeria Unos. Not being able to afford anything to eat save for a side of pasta ($2.15. We got a 50% discount, so I only had to pay $1.07). I used to be jealous of people who had the sort of expendable income where they could just buy a cookie if they wanted one. My room was so small I could barely fit a twin mattress in there.

I am not exactly where I want to be yet, but compared to where I was...this shit is the hot shit.

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