Thursday, June 12, 2008

Republicans/Libertarians are dummies

Small government. Let the people rule themselves. The government's job should be to provide a few necessary services such as an army, post office, police, and step aside.

That's the basic belief system, right? Just want to put that out there. This is my understanding of it.

It is, at least, the line that I hear from Republicans/Libertarians whenever I hear them speak about anything other than Jesus, gay marriage or flag burning, which are dumb things to talk about anyways.

But here is my problem with small government. When government steps down, big business steps in, and big business needs to answer to someone. Big business has the money and therefore the power to do whatever they feel like.

The invisible hand of the market does not stop companies from exploiting their workers, destroying the environment, or creating internal and international friction by shipping jobs overseas. This has been shown TIME and TIME again. Walmart. Enron. McDonalds. Most large corporations are guilty of taking advantage of loose regulations and loopholes at some point, if not consistently.

STOP IT! Stop saying that government needs to be small so that businesses can be run the way they need to be run, because THEY WILL RUN AMOK! If it weren't for government regulations we would still have CFC's and a giant hole in the ozone layer. If it weren't for government regulations there would be no unions (probably). Have any of you dummies ever read "The Grapes Of Wrath"? THAT is what happens when corporations are held unaccountable for their actions. Fucking hoards of poor ass Americans killing themselves trying to get to California where they heard there was work.

Sorry. I'm just tired of dummies.

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